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Love is in the Earth

Fruit Year

A new year has begun and hopefully it will be full of beautiful positive energy!

For 2021 the main inspiration for our monthly updates and for our new products will be “Fruits and Vegetables”.

Why fruit and vegetables?

We have followed the invitation of the UN who have officially announced 2021 “The Year of Fruits and Vegetables” and set goals to improve nutrition and reduce food waste.
What does it have to do with yoga, you will ask?
The answer is easy: Yoga is part of a conscious lifestyle – reducing waste and eating well are very important parts of that lifestyle and we honestly never get tired of talking about nature and all positive influence it has on our lives.

So we have chosen 12 different kinds of fruits or vegetables which are cultivated in our home country Italy and each month we will chose one that is in season that month and talk about them.

That is not all: we will also be collaborating with graduate nutritionist Natalia Realini who will provide additional information about the health benefits of each vegetable or fruit we will chose every month. Yoga master Sara Bigatti (La Scimmia Yoga) will present a specific Yoga lesson to enhance those health benefits even more.

January is orange!

The first month of this year is dedicated to the orange which is harvested in this time of year and brings lots of energy and a great scent into our homes.

Rich in minerals and vitamins but with a low glycemic index it helps strengthen our immune system and is a great ally for fighting colds!

Oranges are also said to have a calming effect and help improve anxiety and stress (if that’s not great news, what is?).
Discover more benefits of oranges and read what our nutritionist has to say. To strengthen your immune system even more try the Yoga practice with Sara (La Scimmia Yoga) who dedicated her video class entirely to this topic.

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February’s Kiwi

A new month has started and a new inspiration is ready to tempt your ideas!

With a spoon, sliced or in a smoothie, whatever way you prefer it, in February don’t forget to eat plenty of kiwis!
These tasty berries are a wonder for digestion and help decrease muscle cramps (useful for sporty people out there). Their aspect reminds us to always be curious and to go beyond appearance, because behind a furry brownish skin you could discover an explosion of colour and freshness!

Discover all the benefits of kiwis together with Nutrizione e Ricerca and get down to your yoga practise together with Sara, La Scimmia Yoga, with a lesson inspired by this very fruit.

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Let’s Relax with the Radish!

We have entered the third month of the year and we already want to relax.

In order to achieve our desires, those spicy radishes are ready to help us out! So let’s get busy and go down to the garden (or to a trusted greengrocer) to gather these fantastic roots to enjoy them in many ways. Just read the post by Nutrizione e Ricerca to discover all the properties of radishes and why they are so effective in reducing anxiety and stress.

A good diet is always accompanied by physical exercise. That’s why below you will find a new lesson with La Scimmia Yoga, a practice dedicated to muscle and nervous system relaxation and sleep reconciliation.

Finally, a note of creativity. With the designs made by WabiSabi for ReYoga, we have created a new limited edition ReBag Pure Special Edition as well as four beautiful wallpapers for smartphones and desktops for you to download for free.

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Ask the Avocado!

Seek the well-being of the cardiovascular system and recover energy after your practice with the help of the avocado.

This superfood will be an excellent ally for the beginning of spring! Let’s remove the numbness of winter and make room for all the gifts of April dedicated to our well-being!

Before anything else, let’s feast our eyes on the beautiful illustrations made by WabiSabi. We have imprinted them on the new ReBag Pure Special Edition that will be made only during April!

For those, who want to always carry the energy of avocado with them, we have added the buttons below where you can download the monthly wallpapers for smartphone and computer.

Now let’s get ready to practice with La Scimmia Yoga and her precious advice that in April focuses on the cardiovascular system with a lesson created especially for all ReYoga friends.

Then, between one practice and another, we make room for creativity in the kitchen and add the precious properties of avocados to our diet, which you can discover by reading the new Nutrizione e Ricerca post written for our community!

Enjoy the reading.

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Yoga Mat Bag PURE Special Edition

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Don’t throw anything from the cherries away!

Could this be why we like them and bring us joy? Maybe yes, or perhaps it’s also due to their important properties.

Cherries are the fruit of May, in these weeks they ripen and are so tasty. They are named in the plural because you never eat just one and we think they have only one flaw: they don’t last for long! For this reason, stones and petioles are to be kept so that they can be reused in other ways.

Cherries bring us joy because they relieve our pain. In fact, they are excellent anti-inflammatories and reduce chronic pain, as it is well explained in this month’s study written for our community by Nutrizione e Ricerca.

Inspired by the properties of cherries this month La Scimmia Yoga has created a new yoga lesson for us to relieve pain, you can find it right below!

Obviously, the creativity of WabiSabi cannot be missing, who also this month painted some beautiful themed illustrations that gave new life to the limited edition ReBag Pure Special Edition, as well as the four beautiful wallpapers for smartphones and computers that you can download for free by clicking the buttons below.

If you happen to practice outdoors under the shade of a cherry tree, send us your testimony by tagging @ReYoga on your stories and posts.


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Yoga Mat Bag PURE Special Edition

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Bite into a gorgeous peach!

Take care of your skin even with proper nutrition.

The arrival of summer is a wonderful time if we think about the variety of fruit and vegetables that awaits us. The weather warms up, the days get longer and the skin needs some extra attention! Protective creams, nutrition and some yoga practices can help us provide health and well-being to the most superficial layer of our body, the barrier that protects us and shows us in all our splendour!

So let’s get ready to taste delicious peaches, in bites, in sips and even spread on the skin. The recipes and uses of these delicious fruits are so many and the antioxidant properties, combined with vitamins A and C, carotenoids and phenolic compounds make them really important for all the reasons that you can read in the study written by Nutrizione e Ricerca.

After eating, here are some tips that La Scimmia Yoga has prepared for us with a face yoga lesson to do immediately! You can find it below and enjoy it for the whole of June.

Even the eyes want their part and so here again this month WabiSabi‘s poetry has given life to romantic and delicate illustrations from which a new limited edition ReBag Pure Special Edition was born and four wallpapers for smartphones and computers that you can download for free by clicking on the buttons below.

Good practice with gorgeous skin for you all!

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Yoga Mat Bag PURE Special Edition

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A berry July!

If we were to give a colour to each month, for July we would like it to be blue like blueberry to calm us and refresh the souls in these days of high temperatures.

Do as we do, collect the berries and leaves of these seasonal fruits and savour all their benefits. Prepare an extract, juice or fruit salad and enjoy their many properties.
Berries are astringent, antioxidant, vasoprotective, antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory. They are really a great ally for our health!

For the next few weeks take care of yourself and practice with La Scimmia Yoga who has prepared for our community a yoga lesson inspired on cranberries and therefore focused on urinary tract infections. Find it below and you can repeat it as many times as you wish.

Our friends from Nutrizione e Ricerca have written an article on the fruit of the month to explain their properties, benefits and tips for including them in our diet.

And then there is WabiSabi. Unmissable, colourful and delicate like her brushstrokes. In July she accompanies us with immersive illustrations full of positive energy that we’d like to share with you through the wallpapers of the month, which you can download below to customise your computer and smartphone but above all, in the new pattern of the ReBag Pure Special Edition handcrafted in Italy!

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Borsa porta tappetino Yoga PURE Special Edition – Pesca

Read the article edited by Nutrizione e Ricerca

Figgy August!

On the beach, in the countryside or in the shade of a beautiful veranda, the special taste of figs awaits us at the table in the coming weeks. Let’s get ready, because it is a fruit that ripens only in this period of the year!

August is the month par excellence if you love fresh figs, the holiday air and the scent of nature! Many of us daydream about resting in August and for some, the smell of fig trees is a synonym of summer.

Even La Scimmia Yoga was inspired by the fig to create a lesson dedicated to fertility and the reproductive system that you can practise as often as you want. Watch the video and start practising now!

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Yoga Mat Bag PURE Special Edition – Fig

What makes the fig tree cool? All its properties which, as our friends at Nutrizione e Ricerca explain, are excellent for intestinal health and for pre-workout. Eat a fig before starting your yoga practice!

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The bunch of September

The summer heat subsides, the colours of nature evolve, September comes knocking on our door again.

In this sweet and sour moment where summer passes and autumn arrives, the bunch of grapes brings its sweetness to our palate, giving us the right energy to face the restart of our routine with vitality. So let’s savour the typicality and uniqueness of this fruit with its beneficial properties. Let’s allow ourselves to be carried away and begin to work with awareness, without being in a hurry but listening to the needs of our body, reminding ourselves that as with wine, it takes some time to achieve the best results.

La Scimmia Yoga has thought of a new practice for our community! Inspired by the properties of grapes, this month brings us a lesson focused on improving blood flow. Practice with Sara, watch the video immediately and repeat the practice as many times as you want.

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Borsa porta tappetino Yoga PURE Special Edition – Uva

Let’s welcome September and discover the benefits of grapes with our friends from Nutrizione e Ricerca

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What a chestnut!

The change of season requires a pinch of extra resources from our body and we don’t always let ourselves be prepared.

It then happens that, in an instant, we find ourselves tired and short of energy. Fortunately, nature knows this and the arrival of autumn gives us the well-being we need with its delicious chestnuts.
What could be better than a walk in the woods to pick this special fruit and regenerate our energy step by step, pampered by the beauty of the woods covered with leaves? Let’s open our hearts to the beauty of the autumn landscapes and let’s enjoy the goodness of chestnuts which, thanks to its rich content in mineral salts and vitamins, will help us before practice and during the day!

La Scimmia Yoga has thought of a new lesson for our community! Inspired by the properties of chestnuts, this month she has prepared for us an energizing lesson dedicated to opening the heart. Start practising with Sara, watch the video as often as you want!

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Yoga Mat Bag PURE Special Edition – Chestnut

Like every month, the friends of Nutrizione e Ricerca have written for us all the reasons why it is worth introducing this food into the diet.

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Let’s face it with the artichoke!

Let’s face it, November is the month that gives us the most curious atmospheres! Don’t you love to walk among its fog and drizzles while discovering, with every step, new images of the landscapes surrounding you?

We look forward to this moment, because it stimulates our desire for discovery! So in November our invitation is to let yourself be carried away by curiosity while searching for new points of view! Do as you do when eat artichokes, enjoy leaf after leaf, discovering its best part!
Start from the table, eat this delicious seasonal vegetable which in addition to being pleasant for the palate is also excellent for digestion and as a detox food.

La Scimmia Yoga has thought of a new lesson for our community! Inspired by the properties of the artichoke, this month she brings us a detox lesson. Start practicing with Sara, watch the video as often as you’d like!

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Yoga Mat Bag PURE Special Edition – Artichoke

Read the in-depth article that our friends from Nutrizione e Ricerca have written for our community.

Read the article edited by Nutrizione e Ricerca